Saturday, January 10, 2009

you know it's a special occasion

cuz i'm wearing makeup!!

i am going for a girl's night. to celebrate a friend's 40th. nancy, the birthday girl, was my best friend in high school. we lost touch in 92 or so and resumed communication in like 2003 or so. we don't see each other that often. we email more and more frequently. at this point i feel she is one of my closest friends. the shared history and shared sense of humor help actually i don't think we just have a shared sense of humor - i think we learned it from each other. me, her and her sister who of course will also be there tonight. i also heard a program on npr that connections you make in your teen years are more intense due to biological factors. the program was actually referring to first loves (you think i'm bad - she married hers; they've been together 23 years) but i would say friendships are the same. particularly, when you consider we didn't have a huge group. it was mostly me and her; until it wasn't but that is another story for another day. or not. i like dwelling in the past where we laugh but i have come to a point that i really don't want to rehash any crap with anyone. and THAT theme i will pick up later. right now i am, as usual, well, not quite late but if i don't leave i will be.

hopefully i'll have some good stories tomorrow - or at least a more coherent train of thought

1 comment:

I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

It's all good. I used to listen to NPR all the time when I was delivering. Nowadays, I just pick it up when I go to work...

Hmm. Maybe I should start listening to it on the internet.