Friday, January 09, 2009

half a blog - for mark

i read this article. it's good - i think you'll enjoy it mark. i think anyone will but . . .

i actually relate quite a bit to what this guy is saying. it's how i memorize numbers as well. only on a much smaller scale. but i often say certain numbers have a feel; it's not always a feel - sometimes it's a color or a shape (and i don't mean the shape of the number). i'm usually only aware of it though when it comes to trying to remember a number. i'll find myself knowing that it is wrong when i think - no, i remember his number was softer than that or the phone number was more cohesive (meaning the numbers all had a similiar feel to them or went in a progression of color etc)

so maybe it can be harnessed / is in everyone cuz i'm pretty far from autistic or savant.

1 comment:

kimberkara said...

My letters and numbers are confused by shape. For instance I will confuse a 6 and an 8 often when trying to remember a number. If I am trying to recall someones name I can swear that it started with a B when it was a R or an L when it was a T.