Sunday, January 11, 2009

it's not 20 years ago

which would explain why i have been recovering all day from last night. it was a lot of fun. laugh. a whole night of it. it's particularly warming to be just a step below sister to someone. i did do some venting that i regret but what's done can't be un

the thing with drinking is that the alcohol strips all the vitamins out of your system. in particular that all important, i don't want to kill myself b vitamin. so there's that whole extra dose of unhappy. not to mention the complete lack of brains. which unfortunately leads to bad blogging.

i have absolutely nothing. i'll try for interesting tomorrow. i'm not hopeful though :)


kimberkara said...

I envy the drinking, but I say ha-ha (Nelson/Simpsons) to the hangover. I had a dream about enjoying wine last night - I must need a drink!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you had a night of complete laughter. You need it, and you deserve it. I wish you more nights like that my friend.