Wednesday, February 18, 2009

it's official - we're nudists

all things are clean. all clothing; all blankets and sheets and etc. everything but what we have on - and the kid always strips before he falls asleep. well, that and i think carl has hidden or thrown away kai's onesies because we disagree about whether they fit. i'm actually so annoyed by that i am tempted to wake him and ask. they are 3 and 4 t onesies which gerber has discontinued as of this year and no other company sells - gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr. he best have an answer or there will be the throwing out of many many things. anyhoooooser. the happy up side to all this is that that's it - the laundry is done. and 98% put away. overall i'd say i finally got back to pre-flea conditions so now i can go back to my little projects i was previously trying to focus on - my photos; filing my writing and throwing half of everything i own away.

so if the whole big three bailout makes me queasy - - any news about the banks and it's vomitorium time. speaking of which the jon stewart show - watch it tomorrow and watch the mcdonald's worker freak that talked to the president. YIKERS!! anyway, we are so far off track. one economist summed it up well - when we are in trouble we go in for the fix and dont want to look at the underlying because we just have to get out and quick. and then when we aer doing well - - - why rock the boat. clinton and gore had big plans for actually changing the structure of our economy but we were so deeply mired at that point that there was no way it was going to happen. and bush, sigh, can we just say ass monkey and let it go at that?? so here we are again and the only hope i have seen at all is those few ceo's who have waived their salaries. cuz you know what - that's the way it is supposed to work. somehow we have reached a point where the pervasive attitude is 'shit rolls downhill'

now overall i am not one to go retro; troglodytes, technophobes will get no sympathy from me. and all the bullshit about how much better things used to be. i have no patience for that kind of crap. sure some things used to be better. when our parents were kids - yeah, you didn't have to worry about your kid being on crack but you did have to worry about ummmmm, polio. just as example. alright sorry, i got carried away. again the point is that while i don't normal embrace going retro (except in fashions) it's about time that those in the positions of influence embrace truman's "THE BUCK STOPS HERE" you don't get 3million dollars a year just cuz you somehow got into that job. it's not the reward for making it. it's the payment for DOING the damned thing. and so when i say that detroit should have seen it coming. i don't mean joe shmoe on the assembly line (though there is a whole nother conversation about that) i mean those in charge should have seen it coming. that is the point of that job. finger on the pulse.

blech. i so didn't mean to write that much about this cuz i really don't want to discuss it. but i fear i sorta blew my whole load on that - so to speak and really

i just want to sleep, yo, for like a week


kimberkara said...

It's just NOW official that you are nudists? I thought it was pretty official when you started stripping as soon as you walked in the front door back in the day.
Having an opinion about this mess and how it's being handled is just too aggravating for me. I'm just going to pretend that my house is worth more than I owe and I love my neighborhood. Yay

I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...


I just want a diversified manufacturing base, a responsive city, county, and state government, and for people to stop stealing furnaces from abandoned houses. Scratch that... no more abandoned houses.

cassdawn said...

unfortunately - ya'lls greater metro area seems to specialize in nose cutting to spit its face.

either of you know about the 300 million dollars that was offered to detroit in 2003 for education and promptly turned down??