Thursday, February 05, 2009

ah friends

there to lend a helping hand when you need one or to greet you after a horrible night with "you didn't blog!!"

i actually did blog around 9 and this is how it went:
nd if yiyu cna't see his igt l. . . a foool


only the j's went on about twice as long; actually i don't know how long they went on cuz they left the page. woke up at 2am with the computer on my lap. i thought about cheating and just changing the post time but i'm lazy and stupid not a liar.

i got drunk. very very drunk. and did a lot of crying. and awful lot of crying. cuz really what goes better with crying than drinking? did i mention i'm irish?

i have done a fairly admirable (to me) job of containing myself / my emotions on the subject. then some jackass started asking questions yesterday - wanted me to talk about it. then i went home looked at some letters and yeah, that was pretty much the end of that. lots of tears; lots of beers that then graduated to tequila and messy im-ing.

so, yeah, i guess now you know how yesterday went. so don't be hatin'. after all i said blog365 not necessarily in a row and

Also . . . I can kill you with my brain.

1 comment:

kimberkara said...

You might be able to *maim* me with your brain today, but I would guess you are killing with a handicap.
McDonalds greasy breakfast with a big coke cures hangovers.