Monday, March 30, 2009

will i ever have energy again

yeah, the weekend was good - more about that later i suppose. although maybe not. i don't know how i really feel about talking about that kind of thing. well, actually i do know. so maybe that's what i'll talk about instead . . . why i don't really like discussing my spirituality with other people.

but for now - the government has decided to back all the warranties of the big three. seriously - does anyone even know what capitalism is. the thing is there are always loopholes in warranties and if you really think that the government isn't going to exploit that then you're new here. and that isn't because the government is evil it's because there is no payoff to doing otherwise. the reason companies honor and back their products is so that you will do more business with them. with few exceptions - that's it. too bad they didn't employ this same deal with aig. aig = two thirds of aigh.

so what's his butt has to quit. seriously i forget his name at the moment. it's gonna drive me crazy. whatever, the point is i was listening to an economist on npr today who made the point that they should call for the resignation of the uaw heads as well. now in theory i'm a big union proponent. there needs be a way to ensure that employees are not exploited. the strength of unions helps even nonunion workers. employers must be accountable to their employees. it's a great idea but really - who the hell are the unions accountable to?

i'm leaving all these thoughts half tdone - sorry. i have a splitting headache.

so after the workshop was over - carl and joe and malachai came to meet me. so kai comes in and there is a woman there and i go to introduce them and the woman says what is your name and he says "pig". too funny - he's introducing himself this way now. so i say 'well, yes, but what does mama call you' and he says "babydoll". nothing like a little identity crisis.

this is going to be a hell of a week.

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