Sunday, March 01, 2009

what a good boy am i . . . or girl . .. whatever

i read / sang him all of puff the magic dragon without choking up once. and now he is upstairs singing it to himself.

i'm hoping for enough snow to justify working from home tomorrow. they already closed the school system and i just don't understand when the whole world changed. when i tell you that we used to go school in blizzards i truly am not exaggerating the point.

so; my poor little boy had quite a rough day today. he already had a little bit of a cold. so they went out to play - i subscribe to the theory that fresh air is better for a cold then being trapped in warm air - so he comes in and slips and falls and hits his face against the wheel of the stroller tire. big bruise. so because of that and the cold/slight fever i decide to give him ibuprofen. usually i give it to him in a syringe. i couldn't find a clean one so i got a measuring spoon. well, we don't give him meds often and somewhere along the way i must have gotten it mixed up in my head and thought that 5mL = tbsp. it doesn't it = tsp . . . notice the absence of a B in there. i ffffffaaaaaaaareeaked. i mean i was pretty certain that it wasn't the kind of overdose that would be life threatening but still. well, turns out that it's fine but still. fortunately, he seems to have inherited his mother's processing of pain meds. last night i took 2 of the flexeril and couldn't sleep for hours and on a triple dose of ibuprofen he bounced of the walls for like 2 hours. course, at least this didn't happen to him:

so THEN; later; we are in my room and he starts to jump and i say . . . and then SMASH - - face into the head board. big old bloody nose and ssssAAwoeLEN. we opted out of giving him more meds ;)

so i think i've told you he calls us things. for a while he was a pig, i was a bear and carl was a bug. then he was puff the dragon; carl was tuff the dragon and i was 'mr. fire' - don't ask me i dont' have a clue. well lately he is a red car; carl is dump truck and i am a "murdercycle". i find it a little freaky.

i had a dream that i let him go out our backyard but not really our back yard and down this hill nearly a block away and then had to run after him before he ran into the street and people were yelling at me. nothing more comforting than the "i'm a bad mother dream"

i had my mom over for her birthday dinner last night. we had a grand marnier cake. mmmmm and i don't really gie a fig about cake as a rule but it is just THE BEST. actually had a second piece today.

i've started to re-order my mind. adjust to the new and different reality. well, sometimes i'm doing that . . . sometimes i'm just trying to put off the dealing cuz . . .

i can't think about this - it doesn't fit in my head.


I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

I am not one to say things are certain lightly. I like to qualify everything. It drives Kim nuts. With that in mind...

I am certain that you are doing the very best you can for him.

kimberkara said...

Is he really good at saying motorcycle? Sadie will sternly tell us to "shit" as she points to a seat she wants us to "sit" in. Jeeze, I hope you feel better soon - you're wasting good drugs!