Monday, March 09, 2009

freaking jaw - here we go again! and . . . learn em, live em and love em.

i have NOTHING in my brain. so i'll tell you a funny story - okay - it was funny; honest but after i typed it out i realized just how much you had to be there. the punch line is 'hot lunch'.

lately i live in a very strange place in my brain. i know; that statement in and of itself is strange. it's just that disjointed feeling again. maybe i just need to sleep more.

my son can not accept that it can be cold and dark at the same time. he will tell me that it's not cold - it's dark. meathead.

why the hell am i not sleeping. in general i mean. and you know what - they really need to invent teleporting cuz there are tooo many damned places i want to go.

oh, here's more good news -

i think eventually they are going to have to iron out some details about restrictions but "YAY! for science!!"

Military people don't make out with science people.
Maybe that's what's wrong with the world. You ever think about that?

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