Sunday, March 15, 2009

life with a three year old - and other nonesense

i go in to get him this morning and he has (through the bars of his crib) taken the top off the humidifier. when i ask him why he has done this he holds up his hands and says "i washed my hands; i have to have clean hands" i mean, really, what could i say.

he goes into the front room (where the aforementioned renovations are taking place) and i hear
out please
this is where auntie em (carl just wanted him to have an auntie em) is working
um excuse me, i don't think you are listening to me
can you please leave the room
thank you madison"

course it wasn't madison cuz madison was right in front of me. i find it odd that he has such a hard time differentiating amongst the cats but then up until like 6 months ago i don't think he really knew that they existed.

so after breakfast - bowl of cheerios; apple; banana; pancake (WTF?) - he picks up the axle with one wheel on it that he brought in last night. don't ask me where it came from, as always, ask the father. and he is using it as a wand. and turning everything into, for some unknown reason, carrots. me, his father, himself and then the wand. i was tempted to explain to him that if he turned the wand into a carrot he couldn't keep turning everything into carrots but i refrained. why mess with what already seems to be an interweb of gobbledy gook.

then he decides he wants to go out and he realizes he needs a hat and a coat to do that. which he gets and wants to put on with his onesie. i had to mention that pants, shirts, socks those kinds of things were also helpful. you can blame it on his age but there is at least a fifty fifty shot that it is just his father's genes coming through. not that carl goes out in his onesie - well, not every day anyway.

today we are dinosaurs. well, carl and i are - malachai is still a sheep. he and his father- oh, i'm sorry barney the tysanatsautus rex and the 'white headed sheep' just went out to play. on his way out he said "my momma is a pink triceratops"

alright -i'm audi5 baby. ya think it's weird that i have a thing for the guy? just a little one.

just relax . . . and take your pants off

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