Friday, May 29, 2009


so here's the downside to the kid asking me if i'm his friend. at bed time when i told him it was time to go up and he didn't want to he told me - you aren't my friend. too funny. the thing that i love about my kid is that that little fit lasted as long as it took to pick him up and start carrying him upstairs. although he did have a full blown little fit. i told him that i was going to count to three and then we were either going upstairs to change his diaper or he could lay down on the rug. he did not want to go upstairs. he also decided to test me. i have only used this count method a couple of times and in the past when i have i don't get past one. so i got to three and stood up to pick him up and he freaked and laid down. i said, sorry, it's too late and up we went. oh, the tears.

today was picture day at school. apparently yesterday when they told him that it was picture day he shortly after announced that he needed a dress for his pictures. which he told us when he got home. we didn't get him a dress but the temptation was definitely there.

i had to answer a nutjob today on the internet. apparently bush and clinton are going to speak in canada. two people wrote back they are all upset that they are coming to their country. the first guy called them war criminals. the second one -well, he went on a rant equating colonialism with terrorism. it was - well; it went like this: "What is the definition of the word Colonialism? The invasion of Indigenous Peoples lands to rob, pillage and plunder their natural resources and lands for colonization. And enslaving, raping, mudering and committing genocide against the Indigenous Peoples
Colonialism = Terrorism" so he annoyed me, primarily because of his poor arguing skills and above all else because he used the word colonization to define colonialism. i know i'm crazy. i told you all of that to share this with you:

so i wrote the letter to serena. i've had someone else look at it. i feel comfortable. i'll send it tomorrow. i feel a small relief at finally having it done. i quite literally have been trying to craft this thing for months in my head. and of course every time i started thinking of it i thought of him and away we went with the tears and the despair. maybe i can stop thinking for ten minutes or so.

that would be nice

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Malachi is growing up so much, huh? I agree, you should have gotten him a dress. :)