Sunday, May 17, 2009

impending silence


carl is leaving for vegas around 3am and won't be back until friday morning. he is attending a conference on cloud computing. his father is here until tuesday morning so really it'll only be like 2 and a half days but it'll be interesting. i'm not sure how the munchkin is gonna take it though. we'll see.

i was reading an article about how obama got heckled when he spoke at notre dame - the whole abortion thing. this paragraph was in the article "Catholics are the largest single denomination in the United States, making up nearly a quarter of the population. More than half of the adult population is Protestant but that is split among many denominations." this is why i wanted to be excommunicated. you know what they base how many catholics there are on??? baptism records. so catholics are recognized as a political force based on baptism records and the assumption is that as goes vatican city so goes the rest of us. do you have any clue how many people who were baptized are like me and have embraced either another religion altogether or the compelete absence of one?? and of the remaining baptized individuals who are still "catholic" - i don't know a single one who agrees with rome - abortion; gay rights; divorce. and i definitely don't know anyone that believes in no premarital sex or no birth control. which really confuses me as to why remain catholic and those of you that are my friends in this situation - i don't mean to ire you; i really don't understand. catholicism is the only form of christianity that doesn't give you permission to make up your mind (we believe in one holy, catholic and apostolic church). but whatever - i sooo digress. the point is that politicians are influenced by the supposed numbers which aren't really. so that's it. you can tell i'm short on things to chat about.

right now - i'm watching dane cook. one of his skits just reminded me - why the hell can't stars adopt babies from this country??

i'm too tired to go to sleep. sigh


kimberkara said...

Now I want to be excommunicated too. Catholics are padding their books w MY name!

I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

I suppose both of you could walk into the middle of a mass with shaved heads, hold up a picture of Joey Rats, and tear it in two...

cassdawn said...

kim - see!

mark - perhaps. i mean i thought telling them i was a witch was good enough (suffer not and all that) but maybe i was too polite. i really wasn't trying to ruffle anyone's feathers.

so timely - stephen colbert just covered a priest talking about change in the catholic church and he says "sorry father, christians with options are called protestants"!!