Thursday, May 21, 2009

bullet points

my hip is EFFING killing me

i attended a meeting this afternoon that basically consisted of me explaining to the other people what they were trying to say to each other as they all spoke past each other

now that i reread the above sentence i can't imagine how i did that since that makes no damned sense

i made three batches of chocolate chip cookies tonight

i hate making cookies but it made the kid happy

he amazes me sometimes. i gave him a cookie - he ate it and got up from the table. and honestly my chocolate chip cookies are damned good so it wasn't that.

the father comes home tomorrow. malachai has dealt well with him not being here but i think he's going to be very relieved when he comes back. i think it has sort of been a low grade disturbance for him.

i am watching television and i would just like to know how many friggin children of the corn movies did they make

o goddess my hip and my neck hurt.

diet cherry dr. pepper - gene simmons is a genius.

i am trying these novocaine patches the doctor gave me but i'm very wary as i am not a big fan of novocaine.

the psychic also said i should look into making jewelry. how weird is that? i don't see it . . . and yet, there is a three week metal jewelry class that i'm thinking about.

i have to say - i've missed carl; i love him but . . . i really like owning the house.

yeah, i really do make good cookies - dammit - i gotta get rid of these things.

spring fever has really begun to hit. the twenty year olds are looking pretty yummy.

i am so very looking forward to this weekend so i think i shall go to bed to bring it a little closer.

"i have a dream. to have a dream."

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