Friday, April 03, 2009


so i don't know whta the hell i am going to say to you people. the only thing going on in my head is the pina colada song. over and over and over. which got me to remember when i was 17 there was a song that used to get stuck in my head a lot for like a month or two "went to a party last saturday night; i didn't get laid i go tin a fight uh huh it ain't no big thing" and that is all i know of the song. so i sang it over and over. my boyfriend at the time was listening one afternoon and finally said "how many more fucking parties are you gonna go to" i only remember it because it was funny and he was rarely funny. though he thought he was. he also wasn't very bright. but i digress.

speaking of not very bright carl's eye is fucking with him again. ya think he will go to the doctor - no; don't be ridiculous.

alright - the paint fumes are kiling me.

ya know i need is a way to do this blog verbally cuz while i'm walking around doing work or whatever i have a number of things to say and then i get here and . . .nothing


I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

You could post audio files.

kimberkara said...

YOU, my friend, are an asshole.
.... come with meeee and escape.