Wednesday, April 15, 2009

do pigs hug each other

i just went to check my blog roll and saw that this did not post - i did done write it yesterday. idk what the hell happened - scout's honor

this is the question my son has been asking me for the last two days as he hugs me. he is extraordinarily affectionate with me though sometimes i wish he would give it a little rest since a great deal of his affection includes swirling my hair all around my face and mushing my face up.

i took him to see the herring run today. not that there were any herring. it really is kind of sad. forget your politics on the affair - i've personally seen a number of declines in nature. when i was little and we came here you literally couldn't see the bottom of the stream/pond because there were so many fish. which malachai would have loved to see but all the same - he was pretty thrilled; they have small waterfalls, rapid streams, little footbridges, seagulls. we went to a playground too and did some painting. which reminds me that this might not be too long i bought him these little animal moulds to paint and i have to mix em up. i do feel bad for him that his father isn't here because i am a HUGE wimp when it comes to being outside in the cold so his play definitely gets cut short. i both bore and freeze easily so . . . see! all the more reason i need to live somewhere warm so i can be a better momma. course i't probably just as well since i think he is fighting a cold - the last two days his nap has been longer than three hours. oh, and he has watched more tv in the last couple of days. he's in (forgive the pun) pig heaven haha

i'm going to moralize for a minute. for the last four, maybe five years i have done the christian children's fund or international children's fund or whatever the fuck they are calling themselves. they have one of if not the highest rating of a charity in the sense that 83 percent (plus or minus a percent)of their funding goes directly to the children. now, it doesn't necessarily go to that child in particular. most of it does but then there is like 5% that goes to that community. there is a whole explanation of it on their site. anyway - if you can at all afford it - then do. it's 22 a month. my first child just 'graduated' out of the program. i try to pick an older child since i figure everyone else will go for the "cute" little ones. i could write a whole blog on the motivation for me doing this but i will give you the very abridged version. you know how everyone says - when my child was born i was sure there was a god. well, for me, the exact opposite. at least not a god like the monotheistic - awarded if you're good / punished if you aren't type of god. the momentary blood going cold when he didn't cry; trying to breast feed and being unable and listening to his desperation; the jaundice panic. and yes, these are all very very minor but that doesn't negate my point / it solidifies it. as you well know - i really love kids. always have. and i get very emotional over anything being less than perfect for them. but nothing more so than children going hungry - actually this is one area that i actually feel for adults and children. i'm not entirely sure why it's such a biggie for me . . .
so yeah, if ya can do it

soapbox done

the one bummer about my mom not coming is that there were some personal thing i figured i would have a little time to attend to - so instead i'm up late fretting over the fact that i haven't done what i wanted but it's too late and i'm too tired to do it now.

and with that - i'm forcing myself to bed. otherwise the kid'll be watching television again tomorrow morning.


Turner said...

you know how everyone says - when my child was born i was sure there was a god. well, for me, the exact opposite. at least not a god like the monotheistic - awarded if you're good / punished if you aren't type of god. the momentary blood going cold when he didn't cry; trying to breast feed and being unable and listening to his desperation; the jaundice panic. and yes, these are all very very minor but that doesn't negate my point / it solidifies it. as you well know - i really love kids. always have. and i get very emotional over anything being less than perfect for them. but nothing more so than children going hungry - actually this is one area that i actually feel for adults and children. i'm not entirely sure why it's such a biggie for me . . .
I believe in God. I don't believe that if I am good he will reward me and if I am bad I will be punished. And I also don't believe that most people, Catholic or whatever, feel this way. What I do know is that it is not minor when your child is born and he is not breathing, and I do know that, whether you believe in God or a Goddess or you don't believe at all, when your child can't breath when he is born you are terrified. And it is not minor. The ability to believe that something bigger than yourself exists is a good thing. And though I am a practicing Catholic I believe that God is merciful no matter what man made religion tends to preach. There is no difference in believing in God or a Goddess. The fact remains that you believe. God is not looking down on every single decision that a person makes and judging them. People make the mistake of not understanding the difference between religion and theology. Religion is what man declares to be true and theology is what probably is true. But what is ultimately okay is that a person can believe whatever they choose, whether that be God or Goddess at the end of the day it's the same thing. You believe. And Life sucks for some people and not for others and that has absolutely nothing to do with what a person chooses to believe. Off my soapbox.

cassdawn said...

so you don't believe that if you are good you are going to heaven and if you are bad you are going to hell?

anyway - i wasn't really trying to make a point about religion. except to say that when my child was born was actually a moment of doubt for me not a reaffirming moment of faith. and not because of the troubles my child had. the troubles my child had were minor (his cry was delayed by a couple of minutes) and i was a wreck. so to think of women everywhere in the world who can't feed their child for no damned reason than where they have the misfortune of living is heartbreaking.

now, that is the emotional reaction - only a slightly more rational level: i do not believe that life *just* sucks for some people. there are some major injustices in a large percent.

you said 'off my soapbox'. if you were trying to lecture to me about something i kind of missed what it was - unless you felt i was attacking your religion which i wasn't. otoh, if you plan on coming back i will admit upfront now that i used to be catholic and i have some very serious issues with it. not that i want to debate them with you - just don't want to misrepresent myself.