Friday, April 17, 2009

how does shit like this slip through the cracks

i am referring to the last 7 seconds or so of this clip so no need to watch the whole thing unless you want to

marlee matlin, if you don't know, is deaf. in the above clip she is interviewed on good morning america. she has a signer/translator with her. at the end the hostess makes a segue to another segment and the signer is translating for marlee. the hostess turns and says to the translator "oh, she doesn't need to know about this"
i'm flabbergasted.

anyway, people have annoyed me today so luckily i spent most of the day by myself.

i had my teeth adjusted today. so hopefully the TMJ thing gets better course
in the meantime for the next coupld of days or so it's gonna hurt like a mofo. hurts right now - A LOT

i'm thinking we are going to convert the crib. maybe on sunday. make a big to do about it for him.

night night my litte friends.


I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Ok, I think I have the answer for you. Marlee Matlin is a good sport, and informed the woman exactly how stupid she really was acting. Moreover, the people that watch this sort of thing live... are probably not the most politically conscious to begin with. Finally, I think deaf activists figured there were bigger things to focus on than this one silly woman.

cassdawn said...

yeah, i caught it on the show the soup. well, i wrote NAD because i did think it was a big deal. hearing people deciding what deaf peple do and do not need to concern themselves with is a big deal