Monday, April 06, 2009

this post contains info about tonight's house

i just watched house and kutner killed himself and it was all sad so i was all set to bare a little soul to you all. then at the end they say "visit the online memorial for kutner". omg - i very much laughed out load. so the soul baring will have to wait for another time i guess.

so this is how tolerant my child is - he is upstairs snoring like he has sludge in his sinuses. i went in and used the nose squeegee thing on him which he hates even when he is awake. eventually it did wake him up and all he does is sleepily wave me away and say "all done now"

the one thing that came ou tof the house show was they showed bits and pieces of the hindu death ritual service. i have to look into it more but i think i want them to do that for me when i die. i have to look into it more. if i didn't hve to work - i would get a doctorate in religion.

wow - they are bashing detroit on the daily show.

i don't think my pt and workout necessarily helped me out any. and on that note- i am passing out in front of my computer and nearly crying with pain.

you have fun my little firends.

Alos> . . I can kill you with my brain.


kimberkara said...

What in the world would they find to bash Detroit about?
Sadie wakes up if the cat farts outside her closed bedroom door. I hope you appreciate how frickin lucky you are!
I watched House too - but I think it was from the DVR, so I'll have to catch up to know what you're talking about.

I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

An Iowa State Senator says why he won't support an amendment to the constitution outlawing gay marriage.