Tuesday, September 01, 2009

mea culpa mea culpa mea maximus . . eh, eff you

so sunday i was down the cape where we apparently don't have internet. i'm going back tomorrow so i will have to do a post early and then last night i passed out at like 9 - i was just gonna close my eyes a minute :) i think going to bed / waking up early actually suits me even though i can't seem to manage to do it.

so yeah, i took two days and i am going to the cape. my mother is already down there with my son. this is officially as long as i have ever been away from him. it's flipping me out a little. but i think he's having fun. my mother has been taking him to the beach. he adores her anyway. it's really very sweet. i stayed with them on sunday night - we slept in the same bed which he thought was the bees knees but i, on the other hand, don't sleep much - keep expecting him to fall off the bed and then he wakes me up at 2.30 for a glass of water. he was asking about something else too that was total gibberish so i just hoped he was talking ragtime and would go back to sleep but no "momma, momma, momma . . . i want some water, momma momma momma" and of course he falls back asleep in like 3 minutes. me? not so much. okay, now i'm just making myself sad.

so yeah, i have these two days off but i don't think there is any way that i am going to be able to not work during them. i have so much to do. and my boss is still crazy. she's had me workingon this other project for weeks now and doesn't realize how much else i do so in the meantime i have all this shit falling by the wayside and no one else kows what i've been doing. so on that note - i'm going to do some work so that hopefully i can enjoy a tiny bit of my time off.

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