Friday, June 12, 2009

omega3 pills make your burps taste like salmmon

so it occurred to me that i hope i don't go senile - i constantly think of things like "what if i said . .. " and generally it is the worst possible thing anyone could ever say. i don't mean mildly inappropriate i mean irrevocable damage. so i fear i will get old, go senile and these things will pop into the forefront of my brain.

the dropkick murphy's and aerosmith are doing a show together and i dont' think i can go.

so, i was waiting around in a store today and picked up a copy of 'the economist' on the cover "Detroitosaurus Wrecks". none of this is meant to incite you mark, this captures my mind and these are my opinions. they made some arguments that in fact the uaw may bear some responsibility on the near collapse of the industry. so now i need to look into it. one of the arguments is that their onerous regulations prevented the company from innovation and efficiency. in terms of what they meant by onerous regulations - the economist cites that the uaw's labor conditions is 5000 pages long. that nearly rivals the tax code. ah, here's the paragraph "
More than scraps
The second is that those blue-collar workers bear much of the responsibility for their own fate. This is particularly true in the car industry, which tended to set the pattern for much of the rest of the American economy. Trade unions frequently hampered their industries with rules that blocked more flexible and productivity-boosting manufacturing techniques (the United Auto Workers’ book of work rules ran to 5,000 pages). They also imposed unsustainable costs on their industries. In 1970 400,000 car workers—one in every 200 workers in America—went on strike for two months in order to wring job-destroying concessions out of GM. John Updike’s Harry Angstrom passed a hard verdict on this sort of self-indulgence in “Rabbit is Rich”: “Seems funny to say it, but I’m glad I lived when I did. These kids coming up, they’ll be living on table scraps. We had the meal.”
and the link to the overall story

as i said i will need to do more research but the thing i am most interested in exploring - unions were created to ward off abuse of power; at what point do the unios begin to abuse their power and at what cost and to whom.

i got my hair cut today. i look ridiculous - he cut like 2 inches off and its humid so my hair is curled like crazy. i look like well, i'll think of an analogy tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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