Monday, June 01, 2009

boiled frogs

there's a dude on the jon stewart show who did a special and a book about environmental crap / global warming etc. gives the example of a frog in a pot of water - if the frog starts in cold water and you warm it up slowly it doesn't know when it is in danger. i have no idea if that is true but it's an interesting concept. anyway, he made the point that i have said before. the earth will stay here - no matter what we do. it maybe have to kick us off to continue but it will survive.

i had my review today. it didn't suck as much as i thought it would. i tactually wasn't bad.

i have got to figure out what the hell is up with me and these headaches good goddess my eyes are gonna pop right the eff out.

alright this is short because i have a lot of work to do. yes, now.

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