Saturday, June 27, 2009

even more wiped out today

we had the yard sale. probably one of the least successful i have ever had. i think in part because there was an overload of them. there's been so much rain that this was the first good weekend so i think everyone took the opportunity. anyway, at least we got rid of some stuff. we'll have another one in four weeks or so so i can clear everything else out of our house.

in other exciting news i fell down the basement stairs. so i have some pain in my . . . everything. i hit my ankle and my thigh primarily but as the day has gone on i'm realizing my writst and back are not okay as well as my other leg etc etc so i'm gonna take a bath and hope that a good night's sleep will do more to mend me than to stiffen me up.

at the moment i am watching dukes of hazzard the movie and wondering what the hell it has to do with the television show. can you picture bo calling luke his "bff" on the show. and no, that is not most eggressious example.


kimberkara said...

Can I assume that you did not actually tumble down the stairs? As in head over heels?

cassdawn said...

correct. went down on my butt - corrected myself by flipping over and landing next to the stairs on my hands and knees.