Wednesday, June 24, 2009

more and more crazy people

so i'm not even going to go into the whole fox turns sanford into a democrat because he went crazy pants. not because it doesn't piss me off - oh it does. but really - what's the point. fox wouldn't know integrity if it sat in their laps and called them momma.

anyway- here's a lesser known nutrage (outrage + nutcase). pastor wiley drake who has been using imprecatory prayer to wish for the death of president obama. i guess he found his own answer to what jesus would do. he has publicly prayed for this on national radio three times. but it's okay because he used a ratio system - apparently its okay as long as you only use imprecatory prayer 2% of the time (btw - that means a curse but see even they know that "curse" is not such a christian word). what do you suppose would have happened if an islamic mullah had prayed for bush's death. BAH! too aggravated.


i'm gonna move to . . . well, really, all the other first world countries are a little less crazy at the moment. i'm being flippant, well, a little but really - i love my country; what it's supposed to be - i just fear that we are getting so far off path that i don't know how we'll ever make it back.

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