Friday, October 09, 2009

just another stop in crazy town

why in the bloody blue jesus did obama get the nobel peace prize. don't get me wrong. there are some things i like that he has done and others i am hopeful about. i am not and have not turned into an obama hater. course actually it's pretty much the worst thing that could have happened for him. the obama haters are pretty much convinced that there is a massive conspiracy in the works anyway. and glenn beck's response to all this certainly went right along those lines. now there aren't crazy liberals in america rooting for the destruction of the nation. nope, now it's a world wide conspiracy. course that said - wtf did obama do in less than a month (nominations have to be in by february) that was worthy of the nobel prize? the closing of guatanomo was a good fist step but since that hasn't actually come to pass yet . . .

lidocaine is pretty good stuff.

and so is sleep.

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