Monday, October 12, 2009

happy lost wop day

by that i mean christopher columbus. in third grade i asked my teacher why we celebrated someone who got lost and helped enslave and destroy an indigenous people (although i don't think i used the words enslave and indigenous)

but here's what's pissing me off today. a woman working for a company in iraq signed a contract to work there. a clause in there said that were she to be sexually assaulted she gave up her right to a court trial and instead would be heard (or not before an internal arbitration committee. four years ago she was drugged, held captive and repeatedly raped. al franken introduced an amendment to the defense contract bills stating that any company with such a clause would not be eligible for government money. should be simple enough right? there was nothing else to it - nothing attached. thirty senators, and i'm sorry but yes, they were all republican, they stated that this was unfair targeting of halliburton. are you fucking serious??? that's all i have to say about that.

tomorrow i see the baby again. ultrasound and appointment. 10 more weeks (hoping for 8)!!

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