Friday, August 08, 2008

We MUST be over the rainbow . . .

. . . cuz a dream really did come true.

"we're not going nowhere, we're not going nowhere, we're not going nowhere, not at all"
this should be sung to the tune of jungle fever while doing a _very_ white version of the cabbage patch.

so miracles of miracle . . . our flight was canceled and we couldn't get one that would get us there in time for the wedding/reunion thingy. well, we could of - if it was on standby but there was nooooo way i was going to take a two year old on standby.

i think maybe "the secret" works cuz i sure as shit was mentally pushing for this to not happen.

there's more but i'm tY red. plus if "the secret" really does work . . . jensen ackles is upstairs waiting for me.