Thursday, August 20, 2009

seriously cute kid

my boy was eating a popsicle and trying to tell me a story at the same time. he was stammering a bit and i said to him (apparently for the first time) spit it out. he stopped dead and looked at me quite perplexed. "my mother wants me to spit food out".

about a week ago or so the kid tells me that his sister (no we don't know what we are having) has "gone home" which, despite the fact that i am not all that superstitious, freaked me out a little. anyway, i said why did she go home. he said to be with her mommy and daddy. i said, but i'm her mommy. he had a big belly laugh and then said - nuhuh; you're MY mommy. oh boy!

so i think this jaw treatment is actually going to work. i don't necessarily feel a lot of relief today but i feel likeit shifted soemthing.

now if i could just make the pain in my legs go away that would be dandy.

1 comment:

kimberkara said...

that is pretty damned cute. Do you talk a lot about the baby to him? I did with Sadie, and she didn't seem surprised at all when she finally met her.