Tuesday, December 01, 2009

national aids day

that's today. i had forgotten until i stumbled across a marathon of old gay issue movies. it's noteworthy that this day is no longer noteworthy. and i understand why - the seriousness of the issue is definitely diminished. but one of the movies was 'and the band played on' which was a very good - very sad movie. OH and another one 'in the gloaming' starred wilson from house but that's irrelevant. anyway - and the band played on - the story was very good on the personal piece of it; the historical recount in terms of the disease was fascinating etc. but the real thing that sticks out with that story is this - - - when some people are treated like second class citizens we all eventually suffer for it. it was a 'gay male disease' - hell, it was seen as nearly a blessing. course the book/movie begin in the late 70s but apparently the first identified case was 1959. kinda makes ya wonder what else we are brewing. anyway, i digress again. for some reason, gay rights are right up there in terms of the most important issue i can think of at the moment. i don't know why exactly i feel so drawn. i mean, sure, nominally i'm bi but my life is steeped in heterosexuality and so what difference should it make to me. or at least - this much difference - but that thought this morning cleaned it up for me a little - the idea that here is a way that it actually showed up that when some were oppressed . . . that plus i guess, there are so many complicated issue and this one isn't. it's like, all that time that was wasted bitching and arguing about whether anyone is born gay . . . blah blah blah - who cares? it might be interesting to know but it doesn't matter. thus ends my rant - i know, my eloquence is fading.

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